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Miniature Southdown Babydoll Sheep

 Southdown Babydoll sheep are one of the only recognized miniature sheep breeds in the world! These sheep have short little legs that prevent them from climbing fencing and reeking havoc on your trees. This feature also makes them amazing natural lawn mowers! With adorable"teddy bear" faces, smiles, and convenient sizes, they are the best type of sheep for new owners or for smaller pastures. Babydolls are generally used for fiber production, showing, meat, and natural orchard maintenance. Our herd consists of both white and black Babydolls. All our sheep are registered with NABSSAR and scrapie free.

We have several Southdown Babydoll sheep available! Contact us for details!

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Some of our Babydolls in Summer 2019
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Stuart Little, Rhea's wether lamb 2020
Molly and spring 2020 ram lamb.jpg
Molly and Bubba her 2020 lamb
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Babydoll ewes Rhea and Buttercup
Lavendar 2020 Calina babydoll. ewe.jpg
Calina's daughter Lavender Spring 2020
Melody's Spring 2020 ram lamb.jpg
Melody's 2020 lamb, Butler
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